A shout-out to Doug Piper @POPTOP for another wonderful Crowcast.
None other then the head brewer at Schlenkerla talks about Rauchbier in general and their beer.
The best brewers/ teachers in the world are in his podcasts.
I am so glad he’s in the Governing Committee.
Check out also the MBAA podcasts. A lot of great information there as well.
This would also be a good time to point out that Zymurgy is always looking for writers and ideas. If you want to write something or suggest someone who would, contact Dave Carpenter.
It was a similar prompt that first got me to give it a try. Zymurgy (and BYO) articles been financing my equipment and ingredients purchases for over eight years. Currently I’m waiting to hear back on a recent query to Dave.
Probably not the best thread to address the comment, but here it goes:
They still decoct their lager, branded Original.
The don’t decoct their new pale beer branded Helles (which as you know, just means pale color).
As a curiosity, in the EBS competition last year, they didn’t enter the Helles as a Munich Helles but as a European Lager (got Gold for it); clearly an admission that their Helles is not a Helles (if you pardon the pun).