Shout-out to Doug Piper

A shout-out to Doug Piper @POPTOP for another wonderful Crowcast.
None other then the head brewer at Schlenkerla talks about Rauchbier in general and their beer.
The best brewers/ teachers in the world are in his podcasts.

I am so glad he’s in the Governing Committee.

Check out also the MBAA podcasts. A lot of great information there as well.

I completely agree about  Doug’s shows. Just not sure what that has to do with him being on GC.

Just not sure what that has to do with him being on GC.


Quite a lot IMHO.
The relationships he builds with the best brewers in the world can help the AHA in requesting contributions from these brewers.

I long for more advanced brewing knowledge from the AHA. I hope Doug can help in this regard.

Quite a lot IMHO.
The relationships he builds with the best brewers in the world can help the AHA in requesting contributions from these brewers.

I long for more advanced brewing knowledge from the AHA. I hope Doug can help in this regard.

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I would suggest you run for GC to learn more about how it works and what it does.

You do like to argue. Seems you have to say something about everything.

I am not biting.
Won’t get into an argument.

I am happy Doug is in the GC.

As am I.  I was not arguing, just trying to point out that you may not understand how the GC works.

This would also be a good time to point out that Zymurgy is always looking for writers and ideas.  If you want to write something or suggest someone who would, contact Dave Carpenter.

:point_up: this.
It was a similar prompt that first got me to give it a try. Zymurgy (and BYO) articles been financing my equipment and ingredients purchases for over eight years.  Currently I’m waiting to hear back on a recent query to Dave.

Thanks for the idea.

Wait, Weihenstaphaner STOPPED Decocting Helles Lager??? That’s gonna create some fierce debates. lol

Probably not the best thread to address the comment, but here it goes:
They still decoct their lager, branded Original.
The don’t decoct their new pale beer branded Helles (which as you know, just means pale color).
As a curiosity, in the EBS competition last year, they didn’t enter the Helles as a Munich Helles but as a European Lager (got Gold for it); clearly an admission that their Helles is not a Helles (if you pardon the pun).

Supposedly even decoction proponents approved of this beer according to the brewmaster interview.