Anyone have good luck on using these on a pin lock keg? I was given a pin lock keg from a friend and purchased a new lid and universal poppets, but I’m having a touch time holding pressure.
I too recently tried a couple of universal poppets on one of my ball lock kegs, and agree they work well, unlike the originals the poppets don’t leak. I hope they last half as long as the originals, although I have no reason to believe they won’t.
One inconvenience is they take a different size socket to remove than the original ones. I know, I know, but now I have to keep 2 sockets in my brewroom until I replace the others. :
One of my local brew buddies turned me on to these poppets several years ago. I began changing out the original ones when they started to leak. I now have most of the kegs done and I too love them! They seal better than the original ones and are easier to remove, inspect, and clean. Yeah, you have to be a bit more careful to insure you don’t lose the parts when you disassemble them, but that is just a minor issue with me.
Hmm, you got me there. Can you buy the poppets alone? I stopped at a HBS while travelling, and bought the post with poppets, which is what they had. Keeping 2 sockets was tongue-in cheek, the new posts are nice, just different size. Not a big investment, so I probable will still replace all the post/sockets with the same.
Can’t seem to copy the link from my tablet, but I’ll post it when I can get to my laptop.m ijj the meantime, look on Amazon for Jansamn. They appear to have lot of different keg parts. Buy local if possible, but if not…
I try to ck the health food store when I run downtown but she rarely has what I want. She can order it but then it takes two weeks. I then have to make another run to pick it whereas if I order it myself it’s delivered to my front door in about a week or less.
…or it’s mis-delivered to one of the neighbors and I get the added bonus of an Easter Egg hunt on the tractor. Never mind the fact that I have huge numbers on the post at my front door. Maybe I should put up neon flashing lights. …but I digress.