Shoutout to universal poppets

God, I love these things. Finally all my kegs are functional again!

really?? I hate them. The 3 pieces are too easy to lose and I feel like they are more prone to not seal compared to the one piece.

All the ones I have are only 2 pieces and seal perfectly

I was skeptical at first, but they have been in place for a couple of years and not a single leak. Mine too are 2 pieces.

Just ordered a set to try on a keg that’s been difficult to connect to.  Thanks for the tip!

I replace the non-removable poppets in my AEB kegs with universal poppets.

Anyone have good luck on using these on a pin lock keg?  I was given a pin lock keg from a friend and purchased a new lid and universal poppets, but I’m having a touch time holding pressure.

I too recently tried a couple of universal poppets on one of my ball lock kegs, and agree they work well, unlike the originals the poppets don’t leak. I hope they last half as long as the originals, although I have no reason to believe they won’t.

One inconvenience is they take a different size socket to remove than the original ones. I know, I know, but now I have to keep 2 sockets in my brewroom until I replace the others.  ::slight_smile:

One of my local brew buddies turned me on to these poppets several years ago.  I began changing out the original ones when they started to leak.  I now have most of the kegs done and I too love them!  They seal better than the original ones and are easier to remove, inspect, and clean.  Yeah, you have to be a bit more careful to insure you don’t lose the parts when you disassemble them,  but that is just a minor issue with me.

Wait…the socket size is dependent on the posts, not the poppets isn’t it?

To me the big thing is I don’t have to keep several different poppets in inventory and figure out which to use.

Hmm, you got me there. Can you buy the poppets alone? I stopped at a HBS while travelling, and bought the post with poppets, which is what they had. Keeping 2 sockets was tongue-in cheek, the new posts are nice, just different size. Not a big investment, so I probable will still replace all the post/sockets with the same.

Yesl you can buy just the poppets.  Much cheaper than the post.  If your LHBS doesn’t sell them, check Amazon. That’s where I got my last batch.

Do you have a link Denny?  I am not in the market at the moment but someday I may have a need.

Can’t seem to copy the link from my tablet, but I’ll post it when I can get to my laptop.m ijj the meantime, look on Amazon for Jansamn.  They appear to have lot of different keg parts.  Buy local if possible, but if not…

Here ya go…

Thx. Local is not an option here in Huntspatch.

I try to ck the health food store when I run downtown but she rarely has what I want. She can order it but then it takes two weeks. I then have to make another run to pick it whereas if I order it myself it’s delivered to my front door in about a week or less.

…or it’s mis-delivered to one of the neighbors and I get the added bonus of an Easter Egg hunt on the tractor. Never mind the fact that I have huge numbers on the post at my front door.  Maybe I should put up neon flashing lights.  …but I digress.

I can relate. I live 30 mi. from town and seldom go anywhere that I absolutely don’t have to.

thanks from me too. No local here in SC either.

Brewbama, you gave me a good tickle, its been a long time since I heard Huntspatch.

I’ve been using those a few months now and so far no complaints.  The poppet sometimes sticks up a bit above the post, but hasn’t caused any problems.