Sierra Nevada 40th Anniversary Ale

I picked up a 12 of this last week and I know I’ll be grabbing another (or two) before its gone.

I could definitely drink this all day long - perfect pine and grapefruit aroma with a lingering, slightly crackery malt profile and crisp bitterness.  A poster over on BA commented that this sits right in the middle between PA and Celebration, and I 100% agree.

This takes me back to the WCIPA beginnings. Just plain old school, simple yet elegant beer.

There’s gonna be the haters, but you know to each their own.

Tried it a their Chico brewery last month. Happy they’re bottling it. Will have to see if I can find it when we go to Reno next Monday. It is a really nice beer.

Thanks for the heads up, guys.  I’ll keep an eye out.  Old school is what I’m all about.

I’m just trying my first now. Really nice, assertive bitterness, clean, but some caramel malt character. Hopefully able to reclaim some of the “West Coast IPA” moniker for that end of the spectrum.

My 6-pack (which we just got in) is dated 12/3, so take that for what it’s worth. Would be amazing to be able to try it at the brewery.

That’s actually pretty fresh for your locale when you consider it’s bottle conditioned and thus was at the brewery for 14 extra days post bottling before being shipped

Living here in the ultimate beer desert it’s a safe bet that I won’t have a chance to sample this beer - or much of anything beyond the scope of the stock 50 or so beers that every liquor store in the country keeps on hand.

I’m definitely not complaining, just saying it can’t compare to drinking one at the brewery. Although FWIW, as of a few years ago their warm conditioning was 3-4 days, at least according to the tour guide.

Is that 3-4 days at an elevated temperature, like >80°F?

ah! thanks for correcting me - I was recalling our tour in Asheville that I swore they said 2 weeks ( I even asked if the date was the when it was filled/primed or for when it would be shipped), but I very well could have misremembered - I was on the Beer Geek tour afterall which was 5 hours of great info and a new glass of beer at each station - Torpedo is decent normally, but right before its piped to the packaging line - mind altering!

Not that I recall from my time there.  Jeff R. may remember better.

I drank one the other day (watching the Titans thrash Ravens) after a SN Celebration. Wish I would have had it before the Celebration because the Celebration disrupted my palette. It was not my choice of flight my buddy brought the beers. I thought it was very good, very drinkable. He complained about it. He was also on his way to becoming very drunk.

Anyway I will be looking for it again.

I’ve had this beer a couple times now.  Completely agree that it’s a real nice beer.  My local watering hole actually has it in bottles and on draft.  From the bottle I got a very fruity flavor from the hops until it warmed slightly.  The draft didn’t have that nearly as much.  Once that fruitiness faded, I got pine, a little pineapple, and lemon.  A very tasty beer.  I’d drink another anytime.

I think I prefer SNPA, but I picked this up Friday (marked 12/3 as well.) I think part of the problem is so much of what they do is awesome, and I really appreciate the price point. A few too many $12/4 packs on the shelves nowadays.

I don’t remember at SN. Bell’s conditions at 70F for a week.

How many large breweries bottle condition? I think boulevard does. Is this more common than I think?

I picked up a 12 pack this weekend, think labeled 12/19/19 have not had one yet but might have to grab one now after reading everyone’s thoughts

Very nice beer. I love a good amber.

struck me as more of an APA

I’ll see if I can find a report for assault and beer-tery.

Well. Maybe so. In retrospect I drank it straight from the bottle at a party. Maybe I just assumed it was red/amber colored. I have 5 more but haven’t gotten to them.