Hello 1st posting here.
I need help with setting up my 2 pumps and hose plumbing on this system I’m revamping.
HLT MLT BK, the MLT is a 52 qt cooler for right this minute. The HLT and BK are keggles. Propane heated and I have a CFC chiller as well as an IC chiller. My plan is to turn the HLT to HERMS by adding a 50’ 5/8" o.d. copper coil in it and recirculate the mash through the coil. Also add to the HLT a circulating port to keep the water from not mixing. I batch sparge. In the BK, I have a side pick up tube and a whirlpool arm at about the 4 gallon mark.
My quest is: To have all my hoses set up before the start of brewing and NOT have to remove any during brewing either. It gets soo messy swapping out dripping hoses. I have cam locks on all connections.
I have about 10 1/2" fp ss valves and at least 4 1/2" 3 way T valves. I’m pretty sure I have enough of valving, except I’m getting brain freeze as to where to place the 3 way valves. Can anyone lend a hand?
Pictures work very well for me. But nothing beats a good ole notes from someone thats done it already.
Thanks in advance! Videos explaining your set ups are awesome!!!
Sorry, outside of my batch sparge and pump free wheelhouse. I’m sure somebody here has some pointers. You might need to be patient.
Check the electric brewery forums. Those guys are all about making stuff automated including their valves. They may have a diagram that would apply to you.
From what I have seen, I think this can be accomplished with 5 standard ball valves connected and opened in the right order. That’s not counting the valves on the vessels.
Get a copy of the recent BREW Your Own magazine. Look at the flow schematics. You can get an idea where to put the 3-way valves. and to set up the single runs.
Thank You Steve , I’m sorry, being patient isn’t one of my better qualities LOL I need further improvement!!
Cool I’ll check out those forums. As I sad , I’d like to try with the “T” 3 way valves. I’ll keep in mind about the 5 single valves, but I would think you would need a lot more T’S and 90’s :-?
JT Yes I have my own Homebrew system that I use 2 pumps and Yes I must remove and swap my hoses every batch. I’m trying to avoid doing just that. I think it will be easy to use and with the HERMS I’m going to add, I think it would be necessary …for ME. Also after you have the valves each Number ID’d and a cheat Sheet to follow, I don"t foresee any problems turning the wrong valves…UNLESS a little to much brewskis were consumed while brewing LMAO Ya Know? ;) Cleaning the system should be come a snap with everything connected viva hoses and valving
I definitely know what you mean. I’m on an electric sysrem in my basement and currently swap hoses as well. Just wanted to make sure you had tried it first. I must admit it does sound cool, even if a bit pricey. Good luck!