I keep going back to Sierra Nevada Pale Ale as my commercial house beer. I know there are tons of clone recipes out there on the interweb but I’m curious if you have one that you believe to be pretty darn close.
that recipe looks pretty good. FWIW, Ive brewed quite a few iterations as well. I see he dropped the crystal 60 to 40 and dropped the carapils altogether…good moves IMO. the core of my pale ale recipe is the same - pale malt, cara45 or carared…depending on what i feel like. he also has changed the 100% perle to 50/50 perle magnum for bittering and the rest cascade. i’ve done similar, and also like centennial for bittering, then cascade for later additions for about 45IBU. I will also use .25oz of citra sometimes at flameout.
lots of room to experiement with hops and schedules
Bravo, Cascade 1, Cascade 2, and more Cascade with a smidge of Chinook and Centennial.
My picture showed 2 different cascade numbers, should have asked it those were different farms or fields. There were 2 bins of different cascade, agiain with different numbers.
They only had Pale and Draft on the board when I was there.
Hmmm, much different than the Pearl/ Cascade’s seen everywhere. It’s a shame we don’t have timings for what they mean by “1, 2, and 3”…also kinda’ skeptical they would leave this out in plain view.
Just something to keep in mind… Try a few combinations of hops; don’t be afraid to split a batch and try different hops and schedules; and sometimes, even though you think a commercial beer is the bomb, you might just stumble across some variation in your experimentation that you like even better.
This was a hard-hat tour before they were open to the public. The employees were referencing the white board to weigh out hops, which were stored in large bins in the same room.
As for hop addition times, take the IBUs you’re looking for, the amount of hops used as a percentage of total hop weight, and the alpha acid % of each hop and plug into your software. I’m pretty sure two of the three additions would be 60 min and whirlpool, and the other falling somewhere between 10 & 30 min. Pretty easy really. Well, except for fabricating a torpedo!
Yeast pitch @60°, fermentation a few degrees higher…
Going to give this recipe my best foot forward this weekend and am curious about the whole hops that Crispy used. I am using pellets and am wondering if I need to throttle back the 1 ounce additions he lists for whole hops as I am using pellets.