I love beer, at least I used to. Unfortunately for health reasons I can no longer consume alcohol. However I am interested in making root beer (NA) and other sodas. I’m not sure about serving, kegging, carbonating and was hoping I could get help in this forum or maybe point me to another.
I’ve dabbled here and there. I was diagnosed with diabetes this summer, so I’ve started working on diet soda but I haven’t gotten the sweetener dialed in yet. (Side note: erythritol doesn’t work as well as I had hoped)
If you’re developing your own recipes I’d start with a 1 or 2 liter soda bottle and a carbonator cap. Make a bunch of small batches and dial it in before scaling up. I’d only fill the bottle half to 2/3 full; you want more headspace to help it carb faster.
Several years back I developed my own ginger beer (soda) recipe over several batches, and kept a running log on a post here. That might give you some ideas. Here’s a link to it:
I’ve tried lacto fermented sodas twice. The theory is sound, but I haven’t been able to dial in the carbonation. The first batch turned into gushers (almost bottle bombs), and the second batch didn’t carbonate enough.
I’d love to hear someone’s more successful experience.
Interesting. I’ve done the kombucha thing before, but I’ve never heard of lacto soda. Is this similar to water kefir? I can’t stand vinegar, so kombucha didn’t do much for me, but a lactic beverage sounds more my style.
Similar, but instead of a SCOBY, you just use lactobacillus. You get a lacto tartness without the vinegary acetic acid flavors.
You can get the lacto from yogurt whey, probiotic supplements, start a ginger bug spontaneously, etc.
Check out this book - Amazon.com
I have it and t’s very good
I like to make syrups, and then mix them to taste with sparkling water. Naturally carbonated ones are OK, but the yeast flavor can sometimes clash, and they have a much shorter shelf-life.
Here’s the strawberry soda syrup I use – is amazing, especially if you can get your hands on fresh, local strawberries that are at peak ripeness!
- 1.5 cups sliced strawberries
- 0.9 cups sugar
- 0.65 cups water
- 0.25 cup fresh-squeezed lemon juice
Simmer for 15 minutes, mashing strawberries as the pot comes to a simmer. Next, strain through a fine mesh strainer, and transfer to a container. Mix ~1 to 2 oz. with 8 oz. of sparkling water (or otherwise to taste). Sugar can be adjusted to taste.
If you want much lower sugar flavored sparkling waters, I highly recommend the Amorette Craft Puree series (which is also awesome for beer flavoring). A pump or two in a glass of sparkling water is really nice, and way cheaper than La Croix or even store-brand Faux Croix. The blood orange flavor is my favorite.