So several months back I committed to two sixpacks of homebrew of choice for a silent auction at church, with the understanding I wouldn’t be brewing until December due to my day job/grad school schedule. The person who bought the homebrew is originally from New Zealand (though she has been in the US for decades) and says she likes pale ales and IPAs. She is not a big beer drinker and suggested that the beer should be something that could be in her fridge for several months.
My guess is the beer should not be too powerful–from the conversations, it sounds as if she is not into anything super-high-alcohol or aggressively bitter. I could do an all-Cascade a la Epic Pale Ale and keep it on the accessible side, or I could do Fred Bonjour’s late-hopped Amarillo APA recipe but use a mix of NZ hops (Galaxy/Motueka?). Or some other approach. Thoughts welcome. My first brew since September, yay!
I make one called Kiwi Pale Ale that uses Nelson Sauvignon, Motueka, Sticklebract, Southern Cross and Pacific Gem all at various times. It’s very good although it may seem a bit busy to some. Southern Cross and PG go in as FWH, the rest go in as late or dry hops. You could likely use another bittering combination. I really like it.
I’ve also done one with only Galaxy and Motueka and that is a great combination but since my Galaxy is from Australia, I didn’t include it in the Kiwi Pale. If you wanted to go straight PG or Pacific Jade FWH and then Motueka for late hops, I think that would be quite nice and 100% kiwi.
I’m thinking I may be brewing this again soon now that you’ve got me thinking about it.
Hi there,
I just picked kiwi’s in me garden last year and made wine of it. Much worse than beer (i know I’m a sinner
So this month I’ve to pick them agaain and I’m interested in your Kiwi Pale Ale recipe. Would you share it with us?