While cleaning my SS Brew Bucket, after transferring my latest brew to the keg, I notice a rough feeling on the insides of the SS Brew Bucket. This isn’t right. White scrubber doesn’t remove the rough feeling.
I check my other SS Brew Bucket and the inside walls are nice and smooth.
What happened to make one of the SS Brew Bucket’s inside walls rough? Latest brew in the SS Brew Bucket was a cream ale (in other words I’m not putting highly acidic beers in the buckets).
If it is beerstone, I recommend Five Star Beer Stone Remover (you can get it on Amazon). I think it works best if you dip a paper towel into the undiluted product, wipe the inside of the fermentor, let it sit for 10 minute or so, and then scrub it off (wear gloves and goggles).
+1 …and it lasts a LONG time. I bought a gallon years ago and still have well over 3/4 of it left. Admittedly, I only use on an as needed basis but a little goes a long way.
Very well may be beer stone. However, I’m seeing zero evidence of beer stone. Key word “seeing”. Basing on having beer stone in my corny keg. Was obvious and seen.
Does beer stone also feel rough without actually seeing?
I have both products mentioned in the other posts. Believe me, what a true PITA purchasing from the local Tractor Supply.
If you brew with relatively pure water like RO or distilled and don’t boost the calcium content to around 50 ppm, beerstone can be more prevalent. If you do naturally have high calcium content in the water, then it’s less likely that it would be present…but its still possible.
One thing that I caution against doing in metal fermenters, is using those scrubby pads. They leave the surface with fine grooves that are more prone to sheltering beer spoilers. You’re actually better off avoiding the scrubbies and performing some polishing of all beer-exposed surfaces in the fermenter.
Maybe that other fermenter hasn’t had it’s surfaces destroyed by scrubby pad use??