Star san foam

I’m bottling today and using star san to sanitize the bottles.  It’s hard to get the foam out of the bottles, because I want to fill the bottles almost as soon as I pour the sanitizer into the next group of bottles to be filled.  Is that going co cause a problem with the beer?

Thanks for your advice.

They sent me giveaways for a competition once including a T-shirt that said ‘Don’t fear the foam’.

The sanitizing power is in the acidity - once diluted, even a little, it’s harmless.

No problem whatsoever.

If you go by what the company says, “Don’t fear the foam” and let the container be in contact with some form of the fluid for 1 minute before use. Its not supposed to affect your beer as long as you pour all the liquid out. That being said I don’t like using star san for sanitizing bottles, only kegs and fermenters. I have used star san on bottles(22oz) before with not noticing any taste or priming issue but I prefer cleaning bottles then cooking the bottles in the oven for an hour at 350 then covering the top with foil and letting them cool slowly. Then all I have to do is pull the foil off and fill instead of filling the bottle with star san, pouring out the bottle and having the foam be pushed out and go everywhere…

If you pour all the liquid out and only have foam left, when you fill from the bottom, the foam is the first thing that comes out.  Even that small amount will have no effect.

Another “don’t fear the foam” advocate here.  I empty the bottles and let them sit in the rack upside down while waiting their turn.  If there’s foam left, it gets pushed out the top when the bottle is filled.

If you have a sanitize feature to the dishwasher, if you own one; it is sufficient to prepare your bottles for racking without the use of a sanitizer.

Just make sure you rinse your bottles well after use.

  • ‘Don’t fear the foam’.

I always scoop the foam off the top when I fill kegs. I’m sure it’s not really necessary but I do it anyway.
And I always wondered if it is bad for the yeast when I collect yeast in jars that have starsan foam / residue ?

Bottling or kegging I’ve never had issue with the foam, “don’t fear the foam”