Steeping Question

I brewed a clone extract recipe from a book that I got from the library. The instructions were to steep grains in 3.5 gal. of water at 160 for 30 min. Strain the grain into brewpot and sparge with .5 gal. at 160. The grain bill is:

1.2lbs. Roasted barley
1.1lbs.Goldpils Vienna malt
10.5oz.Flaked oats
8.8oz. Victory malt
7.2oz. Black malt

I didn’t know steeping base malts is pretty much mashing when I brewed this and that you usually don’t use that much water when doing so. Could I have put too many starches in my wort or is that not enough base malt to worry about it? I actually emailed the author and he re-assured me it was fine.

I could be wrong, but I think you essentially did a BIAB.

There is lme and dme in the recipe.

a partial grain recipe

He said it was just an extract with steeping grains.

understood. he’s describing a partial mash process however, not steeping specialty grains.

I’ve seen quite a few extract with grain recipes that included Vienna. I doubt you will have a problem at all, especially with all that black barley and malt.

Does that have to do with the diastatic power of the Vienna malt?

Maybe. I’m guessing the Vienna was included for graininess. Either way, that beer is black, I think a cup of flour wouldn’t hurt it (hyperbolic sarcasm)

+1. That partial mash is a lot of  dark grains so the victory,Vienna and flaked in 30minutes at 160f should convert.

Edit. My concern would have been the PH of the mash

Thanks for the replies. Trying to learn a little at a time.

It’s what we do. Everybody had to learn. Everybody but denny. He was born with a mash paddle in his hand and slept in a blue Colman.

Edit - I wouldn’t call that a partial mash. Not enough base malt to be considered a mash IMO. I think the Vienna was included for grainy or nutty malt flavor.

you may be right on why they used it-i just consider using base malts like that under those parameters = partial mash, albeit small.