Stone Double Bastard

I had this beer last night for our New Year’s Eve dinner and have to say that I was disappointed.

Do I have to age this beer first? I know it’s 10% ABV, but do these 10% have to come with such a harsh and bitter taste? The aroma was also very dominated by alcohol.


I would think that beer could use some aging.

Have you tried Stone IPA or their Ruination?
Both very hoppy, I’m wondering how you perceive the bitterness in those?

The chinook hops in their beers are up front and center. The bitterness is arrogant.  ;D

I am not a huge chinnook fan when it comes to IPA’s, but then again I’m an East Coast guy.

Don’t get me wrong…I really like the Stone beers, but I prefer the Centennial and Cascade blend in my IPA’s.

I guess that beer was just not for me.


you’re not alone - I’ma  big fan of Stone, but I thought the Double Bastard was terrible.  I’m not a huge Arrogant Bastard fan though either, so I guess I shouldn’t have expected to like the 2X.

The problem was that before our New Year’s Eve night I stopped by a wine/beer store that I always wanted to check out. But their beer selection was terrible and I was really in the mood for something big American. The Double Bastard sounded interesting.

What I learned is that I have to take notes when I taste all the different beers that people bring to our club meetings, If I like it I should just note what brewer and what beer. This will make it easier for me to shop for beer when I feel like treating me to something nice. I just hardly ever buy beer these days.


You know, its interesting but for me, I’d much rather drink the Double Bastard than the original AB. It feels “smoother” to me.

I have some 2004 Double Bastard that is drinking quite well now!

I’ve got a “mini-vertical” that I’m looking forward to. I’ll have a better opinion then.  :wink:

Me too! I am not a big fan of AB. But I like the DB.

Kai have you tried Deus? That is a great beer for New Year’s Eve.
Drew can give us some tips on bottling some.

+1 on the AB vs. DB.  I’ve never been a big fan of the AB. Some of their other hoppy beers like Ruiniation are amazing.

I also just opened my last bomber of their 9th Anniversay Beer.  It was supprisingly still hoppy…and delicious.

I thought the DB was great this yearr compared to last years.  Thought it was much more balanced (for a double version of AB) this year.