Storing fermenters and kegs in sanitizer (starsan) Should you?

So after reading a few posts, forgot which forum it was,  I wondered something.  I always store my empty kegs under pressure with a little Starsan solution in them.  My empty fermenters as well.  (I have glass and plastic carboys, better bottles)

Some people say you shouldn’t store anything in sanitizer.  Is this true?  They say it breaks down the material.  Well my Starsan arrived at my house, full strength, in a plastic bottle, is it not ok to dillute it and leave it in a fermenter/keg (glass, plastic, Stainless steel)??

Or am I just finding something else to obsess over?!! ???

If you use distilled water, it is no problem.  I know people mix their sanitizer and keep it in a spare keg and pull off what they need.

If you use your regular water, the minerals in there may affect the SS over time.

Personally, I prefer to store mine dry.  In any case, I wouldn’t store carboys under pressure, though :slight_smile:

I guess I wonder why you store them with StarSan in them.

I thought that went without saying, but, I guess so I don’t have to sanitize them when I want to keg something.

Sanitize. Empty. Seal. Pressurize. Store until needed. No need to keep the sanitizer in the kegs. I don’t see the benefit of keeping the solution in the kegs.

I store some kegs filled with StarSan. I typically only have two or three filled and I do it not for the sanitizing of kegs, but long term storage of sanitizer. My water is very low in salts and minerals and still maintains the proper pH after several months. After a soak in PBW, I rinse, push the StarSan over with CO2, then seal the old storage kegs.
But I would like to know if it causes long term damage.

Euge, why do you think it is necessary to pressurize to store the legs?

I do about half the time and it’s just a few psi. Mainly so I know the seals are good. Not necessary though.

I store my StarSan in a sealed plastic bucket.

I also store my empty kegs under pressure just so I know if I have a slow leak.  I sanitize them before I seal them up so I don’t have to on the day I use them.


I’ll tell you why I do. So they’re ready to go when you need them. Sanitized and purged w/ CO2(push sanitizing solution out with CO2). Burp the relief valve to verify it held pressure and go!

I don’t pre sanitize, but I do store under pressure.  If I go to use a keg and it has no pressure on it, I know it’s leaky before I use it.

I like this method as well. Inside is clean and sanitized, you know right away if you have a leak if there’s no pressure to release. I just spray a little SS on the posts and we’re ready to keg!

I like to keep a couple gallons of starsan in the carboys if it’s relatively fresh and clear. You can get several uses out of the stuff and make it last.  The brewmistress on the other hand… she get’s a little dump happy if not supervised.

I guess my kegs are more reliable than most?

@Euge–fair enough.

Could be. I just like to think that by adding some pressure I can see if I have any seal issues… before I have beer in the keg.

There’s a good reason that acids are often stored in plastic containers. For a rather illustrated and very memorable explanation check out the 2nd or 3rd episode, 1st season, of a show called “Breaking Bad”. Trust me, it will stick with you…