There’s a local meadery here in Indy called New Day Meadery and I really enjoy their Strawberry Rhubarb Mead. Per their description its:
[quote]Shelby Blue Ribbon: 5% Sugar, 8% ABV: Tangy strawberry, rhubarb & mead w/ a sweet finish.
Typically I’ll go down the the sack mead route and shoot for twice that ABV but SWMBO would prefer a lighter touch. I’m assuming that I’ll need to sorbate and backsweeten, since any yeast will power through 8%. How does this look for a recipe?
That sounds like a solid plan. Depending on how much strawberry character you’re looking for 6 lbs might not be enough. Even pushing 4lb/gallon I find that I can’t get as much strawberry character as I’d like. The tartness of the rhubarb might help with the strawberry character, but I’d consider keeping some extra strawberry puree on hand to add when you backsweeten if needed.
I don’t think it’s necessary unless you’re heating the berries, but it can’t hurt. I don’t use it in my meads, but i do find that it clears my ciders a bit quicker.