Loved the article on the unistrut brew stand. Great option for those wanting something that can be disassembled (if necessary) and those that don’t weld.
Question. Does anyone have any experience brewing on a unistrut stand or have any suggestions?
Loved the article on the unistrut brew stand. Great option for those wanting something that can be disassembled (if necessary) and those that don’t weld.
Question. Does anyone have any experience brewing on a unistrut stand or have any suggestions?
Measure twice, cut once! Unistrut also has the advantage of being reconfigurable as opposed to a welded sculpture. I can’t think of any particular suggestions for building with unistrut other than the strut is relatively cheap but the strut-specific hardware is expensive. Anyway been brewing for ~4 years on a 3-tier strut stand. The stand is built like bookshelves - the tiers extend across the brewing structure. The bookshelf design has the advantage of ease of making and reconfiguration, but the tiers make access to the tuns more limited.
I think my feelings about unistrut are well known.
But I have to admit, I love my stand and the fact that I can mangle and re-mangle it to my choices in a very short time.
My one piece of additional advice: get some of the strut end caps for the ends down low so you have some cushion should you kick one of them.
Great. Thanks for the advice! Also, thanks Drew for such a great article.
Hey All,
Even through this post is going on 4 years old, my question is precisely about that. How have/has the Unistrut material aged? First just general age and then against the heat of the burners?
I’m aware the plastic on the Unistrut nuts are something to be aware of, but how has the steel channels aged?
Thanks in advance for any info.
The original that’s in the article is still going strong. The only plastic on it was the wrapping around the springs.