Submit your gadgets to Zymurgy!

Dear AHA Members,

Each year, Zymurgy magazine’s annual gadgets issue pays homage to homebrewers’ do-it-yourself innovations, showcasing submissions from readers. We want to see how you get crafty to streamline your homebrewing process.

Submit your homebrew gadgets by visiting the link below by October 1 for a chance to be featured in the January/February issue of Zymurgy. Photos, videos, and detailed descriptions of your genius brewing inventions are welcome, and can be uploaded here:

Tell us about your favorite homebrew gadgets, and they may be featured in an upcoming issue of Zymurgy magazine!

Est. reading time: 1 minute

I look forward to sharing your ingenuity with other Zymurgy readers. If we use your submission(s) in the gadgets issue, we will give you and your club (if applicable) full credit.
