While brewing today, i decided I needed a new burner. The one I have was doing alright with the 7.5 gal aluminum pot, but is really struggling with the new 15.5 gal SS kettle.
Went with a natural gas ring-burner. I think the Blichman is a better burner. That’s what I’d get for a do-over. Still might since I’m gonna redo the brururey.
I’ve heard a lot of good things about that Blichmann burner. But depending on your budget, you might want to look at a Bayou Classic (Amazon.com). Lots of excellent reviews from homebrewers on that thing, and a lot cheaper than the Blichmann,
I think these http://www.hurricaneproducts.net/PHPCatalog+/?sel_category=16 folks are the people who cast the burners we all see as banjo etc…if I’m wrong about that, I assure you they are very similar and they offer NG as well as propane options! Cheap too!
I would go with the bayou classic sp10. It works like a champ. I also do HVAC and converting things to from lp to natural gas and vice versa is quite difficult if you don’t have the right equipment. I can bring 10 gallons to a boil in less the 15 min with The sp10 and it’s cheap. If you buy this one you won’t mind having to fill propane tanks
Agree with the SP-10 as a great burner (it’s what I use also). One thing I have heard, though, considering the support ring is round, a keggle (also round) can be hard to keep steady on it. The OP was talking about using a keggle.