I bought the following after much research and discussion in another thread here.
I must say I am very impressed. I drilled a small hole in a water bottle cap so that a small meat thermometer would fit solidly in it. The temperature in my kegerator has been exactly 37 degrees every time I check. And that is with the thermostat turned 1/3 of the way up. I honestly think this would freeze my beer solid 2/3s of the way up. I might add that the manual that came with it says “Sanyo” at the top.
I bought extra line but decided to try this thing out right out of the box. After a week of 10lbs on my keg at 37 degrees I got a good pour but the carbonation was a little weak. I think that might be because the first 24 hours the beer was cooling down to temperature so it hasn’t had quite enough time yet. Just the same I turned it up to 11lbs and the carbonation was somewhat better.
The unit looks fantastic in my man cave.
It is significantly larger than the Magic Chef unit saw at Mennards. There is room in it for my Cornie keg and a case of beer. I did order a second keg to have on the ready when I blow the first one.
The tower is solid. In the future I may replace the faucet. I have heard that when only using the kegerator once a week faucets tend to stick unless you get one with a front valve. I am wondering if it would hurt anything to take the faucet off and run hot water through it at the end of my weekends to prevent this from happening.
The only downside I can see to this thing is the CO2 bottle is stored inside the fridge. I have read that it is better to store it outside.
Would I recommend it to a friend? Oh hell yes!