super berry melomel no activiy

So i tried my hand at making a mead following curt stocks recipe. I did a 1/2 batch or 2.5 gal just to see if I would like it. Used Lalvin71b and did a small starter with sugar water 20 min before i added it. It looked active and ready to go. Made the must with water around 100 degrees but the fruit was still lightly frozen so I let those to sit for 10 or 15 min together before adding the yeast. This morning no activity in  my air lock? Should I dose again with another 5 grams of lalvin71b? And I did add the first addition of yeast nutrient at the beginning as well. I used the y-yeast brand.

patience. some times it takes 12-24 hours to see activity. and the airlock is not really the way to know what’s going on. there could be a poor seal somewhere else in the system that is releasing Co2. is this in a bucket or a carboy or something else?

Its in an 8 gallon fermentation bucket and it’s only 2.5 gallons of must. I figured I would transfer after primary fermentation is complete to glass (im currently looking for a 3 gallon glass carboy) I guess my concern was the I used the wyeast yeast nutrient vs fermaid k and some of the others. I figured yeast nutrient is yeast nutrient right?? I will keep a close eye on it. Thanks for your response.

more or less, yeast nutrient is yeast nutrient.

if you are in a bucket there is a good change it is working just fine and the seal is not good.

Open it up and take a look! if there is fruit in there you need to punch down the cap anyway.

Im happy to report it’s bubbling away.