I kegged a RIS a few months ago and planned on letting it sit in basement around 60F for awhile before ultimately carbonating it further and drinking it. When it went into the keg the gravity was around 1.030 down from 1.10. I periodically checked to make sure it was holding pressure and never had a problem. Today I put it into the kegerator and it is acting like it is pressurized way above normal. I guess it may have gotten shaken up a little bit in tranfer but not like we rolled it down a hill. Hooking it up to a gas line, the beer shot back into the gas line despite about 20 psi on the line. I have disconnected the gas, tried pouring off some through the beer line and pulled the pin several times to try and off gas it a bit but eventually it starts shooting foam out the pin. Also whatever I pour off is almost pure foam and coming out rather violently. Any chance this is infected? Doesn’t particularly taste bad or off. I also thought terminal gravity had been reached or at least very close to it (it had about a month to ferment in the carboy). Any suggestions?
had that happen before, but it was a little more fermentation that occurred in the keg.
have you checked the gravity? is it still 1.030. degas it over a few days to a week by pulling the relief valve whenever you think of it and try then.
Yeah working on that now. I pulled off about a gallon of foam that has the consistency of yeast slurry and waiting for it to settle down. Thanks for the advice
Probably kicked off a little ferment when it was roused and transferred.
Or it may be an infection. Taste it.
I am storing some kegs of mead for a friend who took a job out of state, and had to move. Some of them are over 10 years old.
One day I had my pressure gauge out and thought I would check the pressure on the kegs. One of them was 40 psi! I burped it back down to 10 psi over a few days, and pulled a sample. Delicious! It apparently just kept fermenting in the keg.
If memory serves, 1.003 of added sugar will give 5 gallons ~2 volumes co2. The same would be true (whatever the actual point value is) if you didn’t add the sugar but it wasn’t done yet when you kegged and it continued to drop.
So I checked the gravity and it is around 1.026, down from 1.030-1.032 at the time of kegging. Didn’t add any priming sugar as I had planned to force carbonate it. It tastes fine so I imagine it simply was still fermenting.
Depending on its temp it sounds like you were in the neighborhood of 3 volumes of CO2 just from the fermentation