Survey among Homebrewers (Master's Thesis) – with Giveaway

Dear Homebrewers!

I’m currently working on my Master’s Thesis, which deals with homebrewing equipment. In this respect, I’m conducting a survey among homebrewers in the United States in which I’d like to ask you to participate.

The objective of the examination is to determine specifications of the homebrew hobby and to measure preferences concerning digital measurement equipment.

Here’s the link:

Additionally, I’m giving away a $100 Amazon gift-card in a raffle among all participants!

The questionnaire takes about 8 minutes to fill in and your responses are totally anonymous. They cannot be linked to personal information.

Thanks for supporting me with my degree! Your answers are very valuable to me.

Started it but it was too long

done–took 6 minutes.

edit: i do question if this is for thesis or soliciting feedback to develop a product  ::slight_smile:

I found the last section of questions to be very vague. I didn’t really understand what was specifically being referred to.

yeah to me, the whole was focused on features and attributes of product and support…hence my inclination about the motive.

what would be the premise for the thesis content?

Yup. Vague product research much?

Product Research for development unless his thesis is on marketing home brew devices that take measurements…

This ghetto brewer has insufficient interest in digital measurement devices.  I lasted for about 7 minutes before I hit the little red X in the upper right corner.

I took the survey.

Found myself having to skew and score minimal equipment use lower vs equipment with more complex features that I would obviously find more useful.

Really all I need is a thermometer but I couldn’t rate it higher vs other offerings of more data and control.

So the surve

Unless his thesis is on marketing new products… um, ya.

I also gave no email, though he probably can hack his way in anyway

Hi guys,

Thanks for you answers so far and sorry for my late reply on this!

In fact, I’m a Master’s candidate for a Marketing Degree. My thesis deals with creating a market development concept for a company that has developed a homebrewing product. Thus, I have to analyze preferences for product features. However, I’m doing this as a student to achieve my degree and, by completing the questionnaire, you can support me.

By the way, entering your email is completely optional and only serves as possibility to contact you in case you win the gift card. I will not give away your email or use it in any other way. In fact, I’ll delete all of them after the raffle is completed.

Hope to have answered a few questions!

Thanks again,

Mic drop

Well, yeah…  ::)  8)

Finished, kind of vague but that’s probably how you want being a marketing major.


Yep, Marketing vs Product Development.  Happy to help him understand where I stand on upscale vs manual devices as far as my preference goes for measuring certain aspects of my brewing process.

Thank goodness for the free, open market and capitalistic opportunities that we have.  The free market allows us to dictate what we are willing to pay for technology, and I like to keep my homebrewing hobby as inexpensive as possible, so I usually like the old school methods of measurement.

Develop a measurement device (temp, gravity, SRM, efficiency, etc.) that is cheap and all-in-one, and maybe I will consider a purchase.  Better be accurate…

Hi guys!

Thanks so far to more than 500 of you for taking the survey!

The link will still be active for a couple of days, in case anyone else wants to have a chance to win the $100 gift card.

Attached is a sneak peak of the current results: