Just a reminder that this Sat. Nov. 7 is Teach a Friend to Homebrew Day (soon to become Learn to Homebrew Day!). It’s a great way to get friends who have expressed interest in homebrewing involved in what we all know is a great hobby. Also, if you join the AHA fro Teach Day, you can get a free copy of John Palmer’s fantastic book, How To Brew. To join up, you or your friends can go to http://shop.beertown.org/brewers/dept.asp?s_id=0&dept_name=American+Homebrewers+Association&dept_id=1100&WT.svl=deptnav2 and enter the code TAF2009.
Our brew club is registered & ready to go. Can’t do it on the 7th due to some conflicts so we’re doing ours on the 14th. Left fliers at a few establishments so we’ll see how the turnout goes. Regardless, we plan to have a great day. Brewing an AG and an Extract this year. Throwing in a potluck lunch as well.
We’re ready to go as well.
We’re doing an extract and a batch-sparge all grain demo (props to Denny!)
We also have some cool things planned - custom smoking a sack of grain as well as helping the folks at Left Hand make a Stein Bier the traditional way - with hot rocks.
If you’re in Colorado and want more info, check out www.indianpeaksalers.org
The SOBs are planning a public Big Brew at the Amsterdam Brewing Company in downtown Toronto.
Here is the url for the event
We’re getting pretty excited about having so many of us brew together at one time, hopefully in front of a good crowd of people all eager to learn about making your own beer.
It’s pretty cool to think that the same event will be happening all over the darn place…
We are teaching a class,doing several demonstrations, including extract, partial mash, allgrain, and mead, and giving away a basic homebrewing kit (with ingredients kit too).
We’ve been doing this for as long as TAF day has been around. We require pre-registration, provide lunch, provide homebrew samples, and give a basic homebrewing equipment kit and ingredients kit to one of the participants as a door prize. For all this we ask a donation of $15 to cover costs (lunch, brew kits), with all leftover money being donated to the Second Harvest food bank at the time it needs it the most (right before Thanksgiving).
And I like the name change … TAFTHB was always a bit cumbersome.
To tweet, then, is it #TAF ?
Our little club (RAZE - link is in my sig) is hosting an event, not sure how many new brewers will be there but I know there will be at least one coming with me. I’m not brewing this year but the host will be. Should be a good time!
I never knew there was an official day. I’ll have an excuse to do it now…not that I really need one. :D Thanks Denny.
I am having a small local one at my place. 6-8 people 2-3 will actually pay attention.
Still, any excuse to burn stuff and fire up the burners.
Had a beautiful day. First we brewed a kit (Williams Holiday Ale), to demonstrate how easy & fun a newbie could do it. While that was boiling, we started crushing grain for a pale. I think we have some converts!
It was cold, windy and rainy here yesterday, but we had a great turnout and a great time. I’ll post some pics as soon as I can.
It was sunny and 65+ degrees here in southern MN. Also opening day for firearms deer. Didn’t have much interest in brewing beer.I think I will try to get some prospects lined up in 2 weeks. They will have their deer meat at the butcher by then.
Hi all,
Thanks to all of you who participated in the Teach A Friend To Homebrew Day (TAF) this weekend/month!
It was partly cloudy and low 60s for our brew day; great conditions! The brew session went well and the beer was happily fermenting in a couple of hours, thanks to the yeast I got from Boulder Beer. The only problem was the squirrel who ate through the pizza box while we were downstairs attending to the beer. LOL!
For those of you who registered a TAF site, you can report your numbers by going directly to the old TAF site.
Old site: http://www.beertown.org/events/teach/index.html
Report numbers and notes: http://www.beertown.org/events/teach/remit.aspx
It was an AWESOME day here in southeast Michigan, sunny and in the mid-60’s. Our club, CRAFT, brewed at Cap N Cork in Macomb TWP. and the turnout was absolutely terrific. I’m not sure how many brewers there were total but I did hear that the totals were upwards of 160 gallons of beer and 20 gallons of Mead. It was truly a good day!