Techy Help

I have a Galaxy Tab 2 10". I want to get a cheap printer. Black n white is fine. I suppose it needs to have WiFi. I was at Staples today and the musky troll who was trying to help, didn’t. With a $70 Epson and cannon my tablet said I can only print on a Samsung. So we tried it on a Samsung. I was able to connect and according to my tablet, it worked. But it was a 6 page document and their printer only spit out one page that had some error code on it. I didn’t have the time, and the employee didn’t have enough hygiene so I left.

Question. Is it true my Samsung will only print on a Samsung? And, well what do I need to do?

Yes and no.

Natively, you can only print to a Samsung printer.

But other printer manufactures have apps that will allow you to print to their printers as well.

Here’s an article I found for you.

Hmmm… I have installed the “HP eprint” and “HP Print service plug in” in the google play store.  Check out the descriptions, the former will print over wifi and the later is usb, if you have the right usb adapter (to square.)  I thought these worked with most any android  phones and tablets.  I’ll try and do some better testing from my s4 to my HP Officejet tomorrow evening for a data point.

I use Cloud Print, but my hope PC is always on with my printer attached. That might not suit your needs.

I would also look at whether a printer you intend on buying requires an actual computer to establish the connection to the wifi network. My brother laser printer at my office does an ok job printing from mobile apps but I cannot set up the printer on wifi without using my computer. I don’t know whether you also have a computer but if you only have the tablet then that may limit your options.

I appreciate all the help guys. I dont have a computer. My tab is it. I kind of need to print now because I’m buying a square neck resonator and taking lessons online. They come with sheet music that is sort of locked. I can print them but if I try to email them it doesnt work. Anyway, I’ll get to the bottom of it.

but, you’ve got a tablet. why print? does it have a kickstand? a quick swipe seems a lot easier than turning a physical page.

Its tablature that would be handy to refer to while following the video lesson.