So I am getting ready to bottle part of a batch of beer (scottish 60/-) and I started to wonder. The carb calculator in beersmith accepts a temp for adjustment based on disolved co2 already present. But when I rack to the bottling bucket and give a gentle stir some of that co2 is coming out of solution. does that really matter? is it insignificant compared to the amount still disolved?
the beer fermented at ~62 and has been ~55 since fermentation was more or less complete. I aim for a farily low carb level maybe 1.9 volumes. so I plug all this into beer smith, give 62 as the temp and it gives me x oz sugar to prime. but I will lose y co2 in transfer and stirring. will my bottles be undercarbed? it’s low enough carb level that just a little off will be noticable I would think.