A pot pie with root vegetables: carrots, rutabega, celeriac, sweete potato, as well as bok choy,onions,and garlic and fresh thyme and sage.
Looks and sounds great, Pete.
Just the wife and I this year, so we went to the local steak house. Kind of miss the turkey sandwiches, hash, pot pies and turkey tortilla soup, but there was no prep, cooking or dishes, so it was a wash. Quiet is sometimes nice.
We made waffles this morning with the leftover dressing. It was delicious.
I can appreciate this, since I’m still doing dishes from Thursday in between putting up Xmas lights and decorations. That said, this was the first time in months that my wife, son and I had a family meal at home together at the same time and at the same table. It was worth every dish and then some.
All I have leftover is a batch of cranberry sauce that came out a bit more bitter than usual. I’ll chalk that up to using store-bought berries this year, since my wife let the ducks and chickens free-range in my berry patch.
My wife and I always go to her parents for Thanksgiving so I get all the benefit of the food and leftovers without any of the cleanup. I get put to work making stuffing and gravy which isn’t that much of the work for what I get back.
Saturday night I used leftover mashed potatoes to make gnocchi and served it up with some turkey. Not a bad use of leftovers.
I like wrapping a curling a pork tenderloin around cranberry sauce and roasting it. Amazing.
I’m a big fan ok mashed potato waffles-add some egg & flour, some cheddar and throw it in a waffle iron (you’re probably not using it anyway). Great with some pulled pork. Stays nice and fluffy on the inside, really crispy on the outside…
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