the Future?

Have you ever noticed when you watch old movies how some things they said, had or did used to be thought of as futuristic, even impossible?  Now when we watch them they seem outdated and we have those items or do those things?  Last night I watched S.K’s. The Stand… of all things my mind picked out was Larry Underwood, the singer.  I couldn’t help but to notice the similarity to Carry Underwood.  The list of movies and similarities is unending… so to you all I say, goodmorning “Borg”.  :smiley: :smiley:

So where’s my aluminum foil jumpsuit and flying car?

Speaking of The Stand, I am just now to the part where Roland, Jake, Oy, Eddie, and Susannah just passed through the tinny into that land.

I was just thinking the other day how “cutting the phone lines” used to be such a popular plot device for instilling terror. They’ve cut the phone lines! We can’t call for help!

Then I started picturing Prius chase scenes.

I rented Bladerunner from Netflicks a few weeks ago to watch with my oldest son. They were all using CRT screens, yet they had robots that were completely lifelike, but with super hero strength! ::slight_smile:

Is it Toyota that has been building the lifelike robots, animation-wise I mean?  The body of it was or is kinda like R2D2, it can do very complex tasks with rifined humanlike movements, it walks without the jerky rigid movements normally associated with robots… humanlike.  Who knows how much strength they have but they “could” do or have a lot.  I’ll take the Cherry2000 model please…  :smiley:

Bladerunner is still one of my favorite movies.  CRT’s, but flying cars!

When I was a kid we had an encyclopedia put out by Disney (late 60’s early 70’s I think) and it said we’d have houses on the moon by 2000.  I couldn’t wait… I’m still waiting, but let’s skip the moon and go straight to Mars.

I love the Director’s Cut letterbox version.

Anyone see Caprica?

I’m TIVOing it and gonna watch it later.  As for BladeRunner, I the special edition as a gift - boxed up like a Voigt-Kampf machine, 4 versions of the movie and a ‘collectible’ hover car.  :smiley:

We’ve already got Borg walking around.  They’re the ones with the stupid blue tooth things in their ears that look like they’re talking to themselves.

I call them douche-bags.  I can forgive it, if you’re in the car, cuz I believe in two hands on the wheel, but walking in the mall or at the kid’s soccer game  ???

I can think of few things dorkier looking that one of those hanging off of someone’s ear (except in a car…of course).

Okay maybe there’s one thing dorkier…having a LOUD conversation in public on the thing.
…More proof that civilization is circling the drain…and that common courtesy is becoming far less common…

The GF works in an In-Patient Hospice Care Center; she says that it’s pretty crazy how often people will get brain tumors in the area closest to those.  I guess it’s common enough, that they will ask people right away if they are frequently on a blue tooth when the cancer is detected.  Just an observation…No scientific evidence to back this up…

“I’m not a doctor, but I play one on tv”…  :wink:

We had a guy (and his family) come to Thanksgiving dinner a few years ago. His wife worked with my wife. He wore one of those dorky-ass ear pieces the entire time he was here. Even at the dinner table. The weirdest thing is … I can’t even get cell phone service at my house. Drank nearly a keg of my Alt too. I asked my wife not to invite him back.

Bladerunner.  Good movie. Sean Young.  Her character, what was her name?  Rachel…oh yes, I’ll have good dreams tonight. ;D