
Got mine today. Ordered the quick connects and ball valve too. Any advice to keep this thing operating well and keep from clogging?

Search for hop stopper.  Don’t recirc; cold break can clog screens and you don’t need to with a plate chiller’s efficiency

Be sure to set up a connection so that you can back-flush the chiller at high rate after each use.

…IMMEDIATELY after each use. Every time its used.

Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.


Great advice. It’s funny I just answered another post on this subject, so I copied my response below.

I have the flush hose and I also equipped it with some QD’s for ease of installation and cleanup. There’s really minimal work involved with setup. I boil it before each use. I also flush it with hot water from the inlet and outlet multiple times for cleanup. Works great!

Thanks all.

Used it for the first time today. I was able to chill 200 deg water to 72 deg using prechilled water from an IC in an ice bath. Learned really quick that the hose from the IC to the Therminator needs to be as short ad possible because your temp rises quickly. After racking I back flushed IMMEDIATELY and ran oxyclean through then clean water. Everything seemed clean after going through but I think I may boil it before use the next time.

Hell, I thought you were talking about the original Thurmanator.

As a Dolphan, I loved to hate this guy on Sundays back in the day.  Awesome football player!  I met him at Emeril’s in Orlando once.  A very nice guy.


We now return you to your regularly scheduled program.

+1 on immediately.  I flush mine before adding yeast or oxygenating.