Question for those of you using the Tilt - does a heavy krausen cause problems for the Tilt? The chico yeast strains tend to throw up a pretty thick head of krausen that sometimes never falls.
I just got mine and haven’t used it yet, but based on research, the krausen can certainly have an effect on readings especially when it sticks to the Tilt and remains on there. This can result in readings that seem very low even after the krausen falls, but if cleaned off then plopped back in or measured with a traditional hydrometer, you’ll see the reading is actually higher.
It can and does. Two notes on this.
- for those spunding: it has been in my experience, close enough to get you in the ballpark of when to transfer to a keg
- for those not spunding and waiting for a FG, this isn’t really an issue. Yes, the tilt may read low, but you will still see the gravity change stop for consecutive days, indicating fermentation is complete.
Yes, this ^^^^^^
I have one reading at 1.002 for a lager, that I am sure has been affected in this manner. I will know more when I rack from fermenter in the next couple days.
Thanks for the replies.
Since I spund, I was hoping for something that would help me avoid having to pull multiple samples to see when I’ve reached the “spunding” gravity level. It sounds like there would be a lot of variability when using the Tilt since different yeast varieties generate very different levels of krausen that behave very differently over the course of fermentation.
You can still try Kräusening it.
I’ve only had my Tilt for maybe 3 or 4 batches, but heavy krausen hasn’t caused any issues yet.
Are most of you finding that any variance between the Tilt and a regular hydrometer is always the same and not dependent upon the amount of krausen? Since I spund my beer, I think the Tilt would be a great thing to use but I’m reluctant to spend $135. for something that isn’t consistent.
I am checking that very thing with my second batch with the tilt that was off. This time I calibrated with water first.
My thought exactly. I really want one but don’t want to pay that much for something that’s kind of accurate.
I’ll be interested in seeing your results.
I can live with some inaccuracy as long as it is consistent.
So far, mine reads a consistent 2 degrees lower than my hydrometer. I could probably fix that with calibration, but I don’t see the point.
No problems to report yet.
I have taken readings with Hydrometer and it was consistent with the TILT throughout fermentation.
I have also read that Krausen was an issue.
Thanks for the replies.
I think I’ll check back in a couple of months to see what everyone’s experience has been with the Tilt’s accuracy/consistency.
Have you used your Tilt?
I just received mine today and will be putting it to the test Sunday.
Not yet but very soon. I actually have several beers on deck for the next week or two. One of them will get the Tilt treatment. Have fun.
I received a Tilt from my wonderfully supportive wife. In water, it read 1.000 when getting the app fired up and connecting to a Google sheet.
I added a 1.065 OG wort to the fermenter. This was measured wirh a refractometer calibrated by distilled water. The Tilt, which immediately was surrounded in foam, read about .009 points low at 1.056. It stayed low throughout fermentation.
It definitely had steady readings on day 5, but when a dry hopped, it went up about .002 points (maybe from hop residue sticking to the tilt. It did drop again about 14 hrs later.
I did not try to recalibrate once in wort. I figured I’d watch it go.
Final gravity readings match between Tilt and a hydrometer.
IMO, the beauty of the Tilt is in the progress tracking of SG and temp, not the specific readings. I combine it with Fermentrack and a RaspberryPi so I watch fermentation progress and can tell when it is likely done.(and it frees you from the smartphone).
The Tilt also shows you how fast and usually front-loaded fermentation is. I was amazed to see how quickly it moves.
I finally got final results for my first batch with my new Tilt.
My hydrometer, refractometer, and Tilt all match exactly at FG=1.012 for a Biere de Garde that started at 1.059.
I’m tickled that they are all giving exactly the same number.
Of course, I’ve been super anal-retentive about calibrating each one of my gauges with absolute perfection, or as perfect as an idiot like me possibly can anyway.
Same here too! My Tilt was off by 1 point though. Finished that batch, cleaned it and sanitized. I put it straight into a 1.097 Imperial Stout, watched over the course of 3 days and then nothing! Battery must be caput!
The first beer I put it in was a Kolsch. After fermentation (14 days), cold crashed to 34* for 10 days. So I basically got 27 days on the battery. I hope it was just a weak battery out of the box. I would assume one should get more than 27 days worth of reads.
Might be one and done!