This may sound pretty lousy of me but I am not sure that I want to share my homebrew. I have a company party coming up in a few hours and I was contemplating bringing a few bombers of my strawberry IPA to share. I only have 4 bombers and 4 12 oz left and the people who actually would appreciate it have already tried it, and some who just wanted free beer have tried it as well and then followed it up with a Miller Light. I know most of the people at the party will just be looking to get drunk on cheap vodka, so I feel that my efforts will be wasted. So, should I share, or keep it for myself and a select few rather than the masses?
If this would work, you could bring two bombers and some cups, and pour small amounts. But nobody at this party knows your inventory, so you could also bring a really nice sixpack of commercial beer and be done with it. “Where’s your homebrew?” “That was a great batch, wasn’t it?”
Share it with people who will appreciate it.
I’ve never found the office crowd to be too appreciative. Polite, of course, but most are not craft beer drinkers.
Your office may be different, but it doesn’t sound like it.
I tend to be rather stingy with my beer when my supply starts to run low, as well. It’s your beer, share if you want, or don’t. I’ve had a few “friends” who just wanted free beer from me, and didn’t care what it was. I’m not too concerned if they are upset with me. Just tell the moochers you are out, and the next batch won’t be ready for some time. And share with those who will appreciate it, even in small amounts, privately somewhere else.
Do not cast your pearls before swine.
You can watch the way they taste it. If they throw it back like it’s a frat house challenge…they ain’t our kind of folks and it’s a waste of your efforts. OTOH, if they sample and taste thoughtfully and are interested in learning, it’s fun to turn people on to HB.
Office party…nope. One on one or smaller get togethers…for sure.
No one will love your baby as much as you do. I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the response I’ve gotten from otherwise BMC-only drinkers. If you share your beer, you have to be OK with some people not liking it. Assuming anyone who doesn’t like your beer has horrible taste is veering towards snobbery, if you care about that. I don’t really mind being a snob.
I love sharing my beer! In fact that is the biggest reason I stepped up to 10 gallons. 5 for me and 5 for my friends. However I only share with those who can/will appreciate it. If someone is just looking at it for “free beer” …that kinda pisses me off.
It’s always good to get new people hooked on something good but in the masses I find it lost on some so I tend to keep it to a circle of friends who give honest feedback. I also tend to like my beer and when I give away too much of a good batch I get a bit disappointed that there is little for me.
I share my brew at homebrew club meetings and with friends in far away places if they promise to trade me back, and I send beer off to competitions and brew for club event give-aways, but I find the attitude of non brewing friends and work acquaintences a bit odd. It’s as if they think I’m hoarding my beer if I don’t share it all the time. Do they not know how much effort goes into a batch of homebrew? I like the ad that Charlie P. has in Zymurgy - “This is my beer. Make your own!”
“Share it with people who will appreciate it.”
haha, I’ve been there. Some batches become The Precious and I cannot share. Considering I did all the work I’m going to drink them myself!
You tell yourself it’s only homebrew and you can make more. Then you have someone that insists they really want to try your beer and are open to new things…and you watch them surreptitiously pouring out 3/4 of your amazing belgian dark strong…
not surprisingly Charlie was right. It’s mine; make your own.
Screw em.
This is my way of thinking, but you know that/
I like to share mine at club meetings and with certain of my friends. Most of my beers are pretty hop centric and don’t appeal to many of the BMC drinkers, especially my family. They all think my beer is too “strong”.
I did not end up bringing any, the people who tried it and liked it were a bit disappointed I didn’t but understood why, when in the background the rest of the guests were guzzling miller lite and loving every free drop.
Now I feel bad about myself for drinking Budweiser. I hope everyone isn’t secretly judging me when I do.
It’s not secret. I am openly judging you.
Old Style is so much better than Budweiser, I just can’t imagine why would go there. Wouldn’t you rather have a beer that is twice-brewed and fully kreausened than one that is plywood aged?
As far as sharing, my friends who enjoy my beers can have as much of it as they like. I’ve even run home to fill another growler. But there are those who I know prefer their commercial brand, which is fine. I either don’t bring beer to their place or I just don’t bring as much.
I happen to be quite fond of Icehouse.
I produce it to share it. Share with those who will keep an open mind and appreciate it. I get satisfaction from seeing and hearing the appreciation of craft beer. Although, I would keep a couple at home for future indulgence.
Good. I would’ve been secretly judging you if you didn’t take that low-hanging fruit.
I produce it to share it. Share with those who will keep an open mind and appreciate it. I get satisfaction from seeing and hearing the appreciation of craft beer. Although, I would keep a couple at home for future indulgence.
I’m in Ron’s boat. But then again, I do produce entirely too much beer for my own good. I think my current stock pile is sitting at 14-16 cases plus two kegs… so I can afford to share. ;D