
The last couple of weeks we’ve been seeing what we thought were twins until this morning. Sort of a rarity I guess. Definitely keeping Mom busy! It was fun to watch them chase each other around in the yard. They definitely have no worries. Pics were taken out of our Kitchen window and the screen sort of makes them blurry, plus it was still a little dark out. Cheers!!!

Mom & the kids…

On their own for a while…

Takin’ a break…

That’s really cool.  :slight_smile:

Cool! But you must not have dogs.

Cat.  I took this pic a couple years ago. Our cat & this little buck were chasing each other around the back yard before I got this shot. Funniest thing to watch…

That’s super cool, man.  Deer are funny creatures, stupid, but funny.

Don’t hunt 'em much, eh?  ;)  Fred Bear considered the whitetail deer his most challenging quarry.

hamiltont: neat pics!

Kind of seems late in the season for that small of a fawn …still spotted and all…little…
Out here, they are Not spotted at this time…they are marauding my yard’s “brouse”.

Thats a great pic and you know the cat is thinking “I can take ya”

I found this guy a few years ago


Thanks!!  I bowhunted for many years and have to agree with Fred Bear’s statement. (Wish I never sold my Bear Custom Kodiak Takedown…  :cry: )  Now I feed them & give them sanctuary.  Go figure…  Cheers!!!

Good on you for taking it in!  Tell us the story. How did it fare?  Cheers!!!

Really cool pics guys!

We have a family of deer that come onto our property from time to time, but my dogs go hog wild when they come around so they stay away for the most part.

Tasted pretty good, little stringy :o  :wink:

Apr 2008, my birthday no less>
Walked out my backdoor and saw the skinny thing hobble away towards the woods so I followed it, . It looked to be starving as it was skin-n-bones and didn’t put up a fight when I picked it up. Took inside to give it some water and cream, called the wife and said theres a deer in the house :lol:

After many calls we found a group to take it as it needed to be feed every 4-6hrs  so I gave it to the FloridaWildlifeCare.

Good for you!

In Iowa they are basically 4’ tall rats but no animal deserves to starve to death.


hamiltont, you have any small trees? them bastids  have ruined more trees in my yard than i care to count. not the does but the bucks.

Hey Dan,  Ya I’ve lost a couple small trees. One was busted right off. I put corrugated tubing around them now. Works!  Cheers!!!

Wow on the triplets!  Seems deer know when the resource base is good and pop out a three fer when the conditions are good.

I bet that bird feeder is helping out!

I put out shelled corn for them (and the turkeys, squirrels, and rabbits, and, and…) year round.  After the shelled corn is gone the Doe/Mom empties out the bird feeder, if there is anything left in it. Cheers!!!