Tubercle is a grandpa again

8:31am, 5lbs, 12oz.

Grandson #4.

The legacy continues…

Congrats!  Here’s hoping momma and son are doing well.

Congrats to all!  I have a 5 year old granddaughter and a 2 year old grandson.

Congrats Tubercle!!  Grand kids sure help keep us ol’ farts young IMO.  ;D  Cheers!!!

More grandbabies to spoil, get all wound up, and then hand back to Mom & Dad.  Congrats!

8) 8) 8) 8)

Congrats, ya old fart! Enjoy 'em and spoil the hell out of them!

Very nice.

Congrats!  8)

One more future brewing assistant . . .

Congrats!  I’ll raise four pints to you.  ;D

Congrats brother! You give him a tour of the brewery yet? I’ll raise a pint tonight for every pound he weighs!  ;D

(not to be outdone) I’ll raise a pint for every week of his first, second, and third trimesters!  Oh, wait…bad idea, never mind.

Congrats though!

Thanks for everyone’s wishes. ;D

They’re coming home today. Can’t wait until he gets old enough to bring him around to grandpa’s way of thinking 8)

Payback for when my dear old dad would jack my kids up on hershey bars and soda and then drop them off. Seems like I could hear him snickering as he drove away :stuck_out_tongue:



Congrats, Tube!

Don’t forget to give them a puppy, too!

No, a goat.

I cant help but think tubercle is not much older than me and my daughter is two. ::slight_smile:


I can help with that, if it is needed.