Two Tripel Questions

Looking for advice from those who’ve brewed a tripel, please:

  1. Ideas about how much yeast to add at bottling?
  2. I’ve read that a cup of corn sugar is right for 5 gallons prebottle. Brewfather says 4.93 Oz (which for all I know is a cup). Anyone?


  1. No need to add yeast at bottling. The yeast in your beer will work. Add some for insurance purposes, but not necessary.
  2. A cup might be too much. Weigh out 4.2 -4.5 ounces of corn sugar for a 5 gallon batch.
  1. None

  2. Use a carbonation calculator that takes into account the highest temp the beer has reached

Thanks to both of you.

so six questions total?

I came here to make this joke but you beat me to it.

As long as you put in your batch size, target volumes, & peak fermentation temp accurately, Bf should give you a trustworthy priming sugar calc.