uhoh morebeer

How is this possible?

morebeer.com This domain is expired, please renew it. Please contact us for more information.

I hope they get it fixed soon and no one loses their job over it.

Martin Brungard posted about this on JudgeNet. Apparently they host the BJCP website so that is down too. Hopefully they will get this taken care of asap or sooner and both sites will work again.

I’d blame JP if he still worked there.  Hell…let’s blame him anyways.

Just a note:  it works for me and did earlier this morning ( about 11am edt )

It was down for awhile this morning, but appears to be back online now.

bjcp.org seems fine, but morebeer.com is still not working for me.

Ah, morebeer is back now.  Whew. :)    I’m glad someone noticed it and got it fixed quickly.

Just got Martin’s judgenet email too, it looks like he sent it over an hour ago.  Stupid earthlink.

I wasn’t able to connect to morebeer a few days back. Something’s glitchy.

I just tried it and it says it’s expired.  :o

works for me

Fixed that for ya. ;D

When domain names go wonky, sometimes it can take a day or two for various changes to propagate. Which means you might see problems right away or not at all, depending on your ISP. Seems like their problems from yesterday are pretty much repaired, though.

If you’re still having trouble, put these lines in your /etc/hosts file, which will fix it for the time being (until they change server providers, at which point you’ll have forgotten that you did this and be all confused again). Alternatively, you could use the google public DNS ( and instead- they seem updated and they also mean you don’t get that stupid comcast search page whenever you mistype a URL. www.morebeer.com forums.morebeer.com

It sure seems like it sometimes, but I have to say they are pretty comprehensive when it comes to their inventory.

I would agree that their menu is extensive.

I stopped ordering from them long ago because anytime I needed something they were out of stock. Don’t care how “comprehensive” you say you are if you can’t offer people the product what’s the use? ???

I’ve found it to be the exception rather than the rule.  Maybe we just order different stuff.

The MoreBeer site was out for me for awhile yesterday, then it was back.
Today, its gone again.

As of 4:06 PM PDT, it’s there.

Off and on from over here.  On right now.

I like them cause they can get Fermaid K to me in a couple of days via USPS.