Visit Florida

Visiting Florida from may 12 untill june 1. Any suggestions where to go for nice beers? Visiting Orlando first and then heading to Melbourne. Planning a trip for a few days to Tampa and St. Petersburg.
Cheers from Holland Europe.

Cigar City and copper tail are the 2 I know down that way, both around Tampa I believe

I was there…Last year?  Anyway, I wasn’t overly impressed with their craft beer scene.  However, Playalinda Brewing in Titusville was excellent.  Very creative as well as well-crafted.  It sounds like you will be in the same area.  I would definitely recommend a stop there.

Cycle in St. Pete.
Angry Chair was good in Tampa, but I raised the average age by several years the night I was in there.
Mr. Dunderbaks in Tampa for a wide selection and German food. They have 2-3 of their own taps.

The best beer bar in Orlando is Red Light Red Light.  Playalinda is very good on the East coast.
In St. Pete, go to Green Bench for sours.  In Tampa, it’s worth a trip to Cigar City as well as Coppertail.  Also in Pinellas, Rapp is making great beers, from traditional European styles to everything else.  They’re all good.
If you make it farther north to Dunedin or Tarpon Springs, go to Brasserie Saint Somewhere and Seventh Sun.