Vote! Only hours left!

I’m sure this will cause some controversy, but I’ve been to Asheville, Portland, Denver, Boulder, San Diego, Philly, etc… and Asheville SUCKS for beer compared to them! (and I’m an east coaster). Don’t let them win beer city of the year again! (they’re currently in the lead)

This year, let’s all vote for San Diego. Lost Abbey, Aleworks, Stone, Ballast point, etc… it’s their turn to be recognized!

There’s no controversy, it’s an online poll.  They are meaningless.

Cool! I just voted for Asheville. Thanks for the heads up! ;D

As did I

It’s on the internet, it MUST be true!

Wait, I get a lot of help with brewing from the internet… :-[

I’ve not yet been to Portland and will hit San Diego next month, but my vote is Asheville and the OP must not have spent much time there or decided to eat at Denny’s :wink:

Denny’s the restaurant that is…

I don’t really know what criteria we’re supposed to be using, but I think it’s weird Denver and Boulder are two separate contestants. Despite their differences, they’re basically in the same metro-area.

It’s just a matter of opinion. How accurate? Well…probably not very.  :wink:

In any event…I voted anyway.  :slight_smile:

Asheville, 3 years in a row…

Its got to be Phillidelphia.  Im from Delaware and have sampled from alot of the brewerys around here>> ;D

Just curious, since I’ve never heard of Asheville as a beer center…why did you vote for them?

If you haven’t been, you just wouldn’t know. I’m pretty sure I posted this somewhere else once before, but Asheville is a town of 83K in 41 sq miles in a county with 225K in 655 sq miles. They have (at last count) 10 breweries in the city limits and another just outside the limits. Within the counties surrounding Asheville are another 6 and I believe Asheville proper has two more breweries/brewpubs in the works. If you cannot find a craft beer in Asheville you are eating at a chain and a crappy one at that since most of them have caught the craft beer bug. Most of the breweries, brewpubs and tap houses are within walking distance in the downtown area. It’s a heck of a place…

Asheville is a great beer town. But I didn’t really vote at all. Just pulling chains for grins. My own, mostly. :stuck_out_tongue:

Asheville does sound like great beer city, and with rules as loosely defined as these I can see how it would get votes.  I still don’t think it would really hold a candle to Portland, but until I visit Asheville that’s just my opinion.  Of course, some would say “It’s not a popularity contest, it’s beer!”…:wink:

I hear great things about Portland and hope to get there in the next few years, however one friend said if you want a hoppy beer you can get one anywhere in the area, but if you want something else you are SOL :wink:

Lemme know if you ever decide to head to Asheville and if it’s a couple of years down the road by then I’ll probably have a place for you to stay just down the road.

There are lots of great hoppy beers here, but the variety and innovation of others shouldn’t get overlooked.  For instance, there’s a little known brewery named Heater Allen, making nothing but lagers, all of them outstanding.  Not to mention Hair of the Dog, making basically unqualifiable styles all of which are incredible.

I’d love to take you up on that as long as I don’t have to get a haircut!  :wink:

You’d fit right in…Asheville’s got about 100 motto’s. One is “Something for everyone”, another is “Where Weird is Normal”. I think the official one is “any way you like it”…Explore Asheville | Things to Do, Events, & Hotels | Asheville, NC's Official Travel Site

You could get away with just trimming the front/sides and leave the rest.  Then your new mullet would blend right in :slight_smile:

Denny, Asheville is a great town and it’s kinda like the Portland of the East in some ways. Lots of laid back people, very much an art town. Great hiking and beautiful backdrop for beer and food. One of my favorite places to go on the east coast.

Sounds cool!  Hopefully I can get there one of these days and you and Mike can show me around.  Then I can repay the favor when you guys come to OR!