I finally got around to brewing this one on Friday night.
6 gallon batch:
11 lbs. 2-row
8 oz. Caramunich II
1 oz. Waimea (17.4% AA) - 60 min.
.5 oz Waimea and .5 oz. Columbus - 10 min.
.5 oz Waimea and .3 oz (all I had left) Columbus - 5 min.
1 oz. Waimea - 0 min.
One packet S-04 (rehydrated), currently fermenting at 67 degrees
OG: 1.055
IBU as projected by Beersmith: 52
Mashed at 152 for one hour; mash pH between 5.3 and 5.4 (I didn’t feel like breaking out the meter); all distilled water with minerals to 150 ppm sulfate and 30 ppm chloride