Weber "Q" 200, 300 Propane Grills

Been looking at these little grills. I have the charcoal venue covered. Just something
to use to toss a couple burgers and or Steaks on without having to d!ck with the charcoal.
Only cooking for 2…

I looked em over tho and am confused by the INPUT BTU rating, I think I understand OUTPUT
BTU, the input rating left me scratching my head. :-\

Thanks in advance for voting in my poll

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I’m a charcoal only guy but it would be nice to get a propane grill for quick things (like roasting vegetables, etc).  My experience with Weber has been great, and the gas grill I’d be looking for would be small form factor (not one of those stainless steel behemoths) so I’m interested in peoples feedback on these too!

How about a hibachi? With my heatgun the coals are lit within a minute. No need for propane and propane accessories.

OK,  ;D
I got home with the Q-200 after opening one up at the Depot. It looks like a great unit
some pieces of the stand are cheezy plastic wheels no bearings and a spindly snap
together construction…in the BFE wind it may be a trip.

On the negative side is the lack of a method to hook to a 20# propane tank as standard equipment.
It is designed to take a spin on cannister  bottle and you need an adapter hose to put
the connection to the 20# tanks that, by the way, I also use for brewing.  So,
I will have to fork out more ca$h for the adapter hose  >:(

I’ll let ya know after I use the thing how it performs.

Well, it is pretty good once you get used to some of the hoops.  The big ole
cast heavy grate is a PITA to clean but then what grill isn’t…
Tonight’s supper titled Shrimps on da Barbi… 8)

Late to answer, but I got the Q300 a couple years ago for the reasons you state. Easy to come home, turn on the gas, and be cooking in a matter of minutes. It’s also easy to take camping, tailgating, etc. I’ve got a large rubbermaid container that I put it in with a couple bottles of LP and all my grilling essentials. Set it in the back of the truck or trunk of the car and go. I’ve been very pleased with mine and did spring for the adapter hose to use a 20 lb. tank.