Adjuncts include coffee, chocolate, and yes, maple syrup (eh?). Basically a foreign x stout recipe/gravity pre-32 oz of maple syrup fermented in secondary.
Was thinking either 13b, 23a, or 21a.
Adjuncts include coffee, chocolate, and yes, maple syrup (eh?). Basically a foreign x stout recipe/gravity pre-32 oz of maple syrup fermented in secondary.
Was thinking either 13b, 23a, or 21a.
It depends on how it tastes, but assuming the coffee and chocolate are easy to pick up then its a 21A Spice Herb Veg Beer. If you can’t pick these flavors up easily, then you might be better off entering it into one of the Stouts, category 13. If entered as a 21A then the judges will be looking for those flavors, and if they can’t find them, your score will be marked lower.
Great answer thanks. It’s honestly a pretty balanced beer, so I may go the stout route (mehehhahaah!..only if u use one pronunciation of “route” I guess)…I will ask for a second opinion on taste tho good call…