What kind of beer would you serve with BBQ Chicken?

What kind of beer would you serve with BBQ Chicken?

A red or amber ale, maybe a pale ale.  I’m no chef - I just like to eat.

I think it would depend on the BBQ.  If your BBQ is on the sweet side, you might go with a nice clean pilsner or maybe a low- to moderately-hopped pale ale (either one should be on the drier side).  If your BBQ is on the tangy/spicy side, something with a little more body and hop character would probably be nice (e.g., IPA, hoppy amber/red).  But this is just like, my opinion, man.   8)

Funny, I was thinking the other way around. If you go spicy BBQ to be able to cool the fire with something more malty. And if you were on the sweeter side (say honey or molases sauce) then you counter that with an IPA.  That’s assuming there’s a choice, I just serve whatever is on tap.(Choice of 1 beer, 1 cider usually).


I think hoppy beers really compliment spicy food well, e.g., a nice IPA with a spicy curry.  I think if you’re eating something relatively sweet, your palate should be cleansed of the residual sweetness with a drier, clean-tasting beer, as opposed to overloading it with body/hops.  To each their own though.

I vote for ipa

I’m kinda thinking of a IIPA.

Go big or go home  :wink:

Mesquite smoked lager. Shiner brews one, and as soon as I get my smoker built - so will I.

I like the way you’re thinkin’

lol  :smiley:

“BBQ Chicken” means so many things to so many people!

  • True BBQ chicken, ie., half chickens stuck in a smoker pit like they have at BBQ joints around here, I’d say something malty but mild would go great, like a special bitter or brown ale.  You’ll notice at these places everything else is simple…the bread is plain white bread, plain cheap pickles…the meat and sauce are where all the complexity is, so in keeping with that I’d do a modestly understated brew.
  • Grilled chicken slathered in red, sweet BBQ sauce…maybe something drier and less cloying like a Czech or Bavarian pils, just to get away from that heavy sweetness.
  • Smoke roasted chicken (grilled indirect at higher temps with smoke, my favorite method), depending on how it is seasoned, could handle something a bit bolder I think.  If its not bathed in KC Masterpiece (a bit of an unfortunate thing!),  big IPA sounds like it’d be great.  Actually I like the idea of a smoked bock with an herb crusted smoke roasted chicken.


Ok, really I also vote for a IIPA.

I agree with Peter Griffin’s explanation

I think it depends on the ambiance of the meal.

A quite dinner with the Mrs may call for for something amber or dark to enhance the sauce of the meat.

An outdoor party with the friends and Skynyrd cranked up? What else but that triple hopped yellow stuff!!!


I had a Cherry wood smoked beer at last weeks brewclub meeting.

I am cornering him with notepad in hand at the holiday party, excellent beer.

I’ve made some smoked beers but this one would have been PERFECT with BBQ chicken.

My Rauchbier is a bit much for chicken…now brisket and pork…step back and let me pour  ;D

I’m sipping my Sour Saison, and I gotta say, this would go great with
some kind of BBQ chicken! It is in the line of Orval…and a lil Roselare…
and of course Saison fermented with WY3726 which is a tart yeast.

So I suppose sweet bbq chicken would be a contrast with the sourness
of this beer…but not an unwelcomed contrast.

For me- it’s about palate-cleansing with BBQ. So a nice cold Pale lager or a Kolsch will do the trick.