I’ve read Kai’s article on buying a pH meter. I’m definitely in the “under $100 club”. I intend to use it for mash and kettle pH testing. What pH meter do you have, or recommend for my purposes? Thanks.
I have this one. Milwaukee pH55 pH/Temp Meter
My wife gave it to me for Christmas. It looks great in the box but I haven’t used it yet.
I use the one Kai uses, the MW-101. I have to calibrate before each use (those little recessed dials are very sensitive) but so far, so good. $65 on amazon ( http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0009YH06Y/ref=oh_details_o02_s01_i00 )
That looks like the one I have had for a couple years. It may be time to replace the electrode, because it takes a lot longer to calibrate at 4.0 than it used to. Probably because I used to test hot wort, not knowing I should have cooled to room temps.
I’m happy with it and use it on almost all my mashes.
You got a better deal than I found. My new MW-101 was $78 shipped from a seller on Ebay. It has proven to be a capable and reliable meter for me.
Jeffy - Scale can build up on the probe’s electrode and slow the meter from settling on the final pH reading. Try soaking your probe in a weak citric acid solution overnight.
I use the Hanna Instruments HI 98108 with ATC, $70 at LHBS.
Will do. Thanks, Carl.
Used to have the MW-101 – when it was time to replace the probe on that I moved the Hanna pHep5.
I’m much happier with the pHep5 – no questions when the bugger is calibrated and no questions about when your reading has stabilized.
Personally, I’ll never go back.
I use an OakTon pH Testr2, which has been discontinued. I got it originally for testing rain water pH long before I went to all-grain and started testing mash pH.
I use the same meter. I’m very happy with it. I’m also confident with the results it gives.
I use the MW102. I haven’t had any problems with the automatic calibration. YMMV.
I use a Hach HQ40d.
my meter still is a piece of paper with a square on the end :o
What do you guys think of this deal/meter? Someone at Hanna recommended it to me.
Looks good to me.
Spend a few extra bucks and get the one that goes out 2 decimal places. This is the one I’ve got and I love it.
Hanna Instruments HI 98128W pH and Temperature Tester with Solutions for Wine