Woo Hoo, the recovery is ON!

Ok, maybe, maybe not. But I am back to full time for 60 days… :-\

I’ll take what I can get. Even if it means joining the “dark side” (MGMT) :o

Woo hoo, Two house payments in the works!!!

Cheers boys! clink

That’s good news man!! Cheers!!!

Alright Man!  I am sittin home on medico leave myself…damn foot.
Glad for ya Ruben, (Don’t go over to “Them”)  :cry:

It’s nice to get some good news now and again.

Congrats!  :slight_smile:

Huh? I miss something?

I thought this was a hangover thread.  ;D

Nay…full time for 2 months and the corresponding 2 pay periods and the ability to dunk 2 house pymts…
seen by some to be a good thing.  :o

paycheck to paycheck seems to be normal these days.  :-\

What’s a paycheck?

Same here, I’m terrible with money.  It’s like, as soon as I get paid I feel great.  “Awesome! I’ve got money!”  So then I spend it by going out to eat a bunch or buying CD’s or beer stuff.  I need to quit that and save a little each paycheck.
Fortunately, I don’t have a stupid credit card.  Those things are evil in today’s consumerist society.  I’d like to get one for traveling though (renting cars, hotels, etc.).

Way to go dude!

They’re becoming more rare these days it seems.  :-\


Good news RD. Times are tight and they’ve come to roost in my profession as well. If that makes you feel any better.