Zymurgy PDF Download problem

Not every download, but often, I get the following Adobe Acrobat warning
“Insufficient data for an image.”

As an example, this happened in the pdf download of the January, February 2000 issue when going from magazine page 12 to 13 (in the reader this equates to page 14 going to 15).

What is happening? How to resolve? My PC has 32 GB RAM, so I don’t believe this is my PC problem.

It’s the Jan/Feb 2000 issue, so this is clearly a lingering effect of the Y2K bug. They probably uploaded that issue using AOL for DOS. /s

I pulled the file and can confirm the behavior when paging from 12 to 13. It’s not your computer. Design says there’s an error in the PDF itself. We may have the original files archived, but it would likely be some time before we could make an update, particularly given differences in software compatibility then and now.

The online version of the issue reads just fine, so I’d recommend using that until we can figure out a workaround. Why the online version is OK but the PDF download is not is a mystery to me!

Thanks. The issue I noted isn’t the only issue with the problem.