It’s time once again for Zymurgy’s Best Commercial Beers in America Survey!
As homebrewers and beer lovers, Zymurgy readers have the most educated and adventurous palates on the planet. So for the 10th year, we are asking you, “Who brews the best commercial beers in the land?”
Vote and Win Here:
Five lucky voters, chosen at random, will win an AHA prize package! The package includes the new AHA logo t-shirt, a pint glass and a logo sticker.
Please have your AHA member number handy before voting. Submit up to 20 of your favorite domestic and imported beers; they must be commercially available in the United States. Only one voting form is allowed per member.
While voting, take a minute to review one of your top beers, in 150 words or fewer, and include that in the “Comments” field (this is appreciated but not mandatory.) We’ll include some of your comments in the July/August issue as well as in the “You’ve Gotta Drink This” in future installments of Beeroscope.
Voting ends March 16, 2012. Tabulated results are presented, along with clone recipes for some of the top beers, in the July/August issue of Zymurgy.
Thanks for voting!