1/2" Barb for Drain Valve or 3/8" Barb for Drain Valve?

I’m contemplating on purchasing a Blichmann G2 kettle and there are two options. 1/2" Barb for Drain Valve or 3/8" Barb for Drain Valve.  Which would be the better option and why?

1/2 inch will drain faster.  What are you draining into?  A chiller?  A fermenter?

+1 to half inch. You can always go slower.

I am going to drain into a fermenter.

+2 for 1/2". If you ever want to get a pump you’ll need it.

Maybe this comment should go in “unpopular” brewing opinions.  My SS BrewTech 10 gal. kettle came with a nice, three piece valve on the drain.  But since I plumb the drain to a transfer/recirc. pump, I never used the valve.  It was just a place for crud to collect and another thing to have to take apart and clean.  So I took it out of the system.  If I ever have to block the line to the pump, I can use a small vice grips to clamp the hose.