1 liter starter w/2 Wyeast 1056 packs

I have 2 packs of wyeast 1056 and am about to make a 1 liter starter.  I would make it larger in volume, but only have enough DME for 1 liter.  Is there any downside to adding 2 packs to a starter that will have a gravity of 1040 and volume of 1 liter?  I plan on hitting up the LHBS tomorrow to step it up, does anyone see a downside to this?


why not save the second pack for something else. hit the 1 L with 1 pack, step it up tomorrow and your golden!

Or pitch both packs and call it a day?  What is the OG of the beer?

its a 10 gallon batch and the target og is 1068.  mr malty says i need a 2.4 liter starter with 2 packs.  My brew day is friday and I dont think I would be able to step the starter up enough times to bring up the cell count…

okay then! no downside that I can see.

With “intermittent shaking” that drops to <1 L.

Edit: Except that you’re doing a 10 gal batch. Oops.

Maybe it’s too late now, but I’d just wait until you can get to the LHBS for DME.

I’ve heard it cited that making too small a starter can leave the yeast without the nutrients it needs to rebuild its glycogen reserves at the end of fermentation in the starter.  Supposedly, that can lead to weak performance in the wort.  It would be great to know of that’s actually true…Tom?

From what I know about yeast this makes logical sense, but I haven’t tested it.

One thing I can say with great confidence is you wont actually experience any growth in cell count at that pitching rate.

Care to bet on that? :wink: