Over the past 10 years the Upper Mississippi Mashout has grown from a regional competition held in a local steak house restaurant to one of the largest competitions in the country. The growth was not without its challenges over the years but the organizers are none worse for the wear, and are ready for another outstanding turn out at this year’s UMMO. Fresh from hosting the AHA National Homebrew conference and competition in June 2010, the Mashout Organizing Committee is ready to raise the bar again this year. The 2011 competition will be held January 28th and 29th at Grumpy’s in Roseville, Minnesota. The theme this year is American Craft Beer with an American-themed banquet, commemorative beers, speakers, and events.
Jay and Lori Wince from Weasel Boy Brewing, winners of the 2010 GABF Silver Medal for their RIS and the 2005 UMMO BoS Winner, will be giving the Friday afternoon talk. In addition, Dave Berg (aka Rocket Scientist), the head brewer of the second oldest family owned brewery in the US, August Schell Brewing, will be giving the Saturday afternoon talk. Check out the events section of the website for additional volunteer events for this year’s competition.
Key information:
Registration opens – December 17th 2010
Entry Deadline – January 14th 2011*
Entry Fee – $8.00 per entry
NEW Multiple Entry Categories:
For 2011, the following categories now allow entrants to enter more than one beer per subcategory. Two (2) 10-14 oz. bottles are required for each entry.
* 16e - Belgian Specialty Ale
* 17f - Sour Ale - Fruit Lambic
* 20 - Fruit Beer
* 21a - Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer
* 21b - Christmas/Winter Specialty Spiced Beer
* 22b - Other Smoked Beer
* 22c - Wood-Aged Beer
* 23 - Specialty Beer
Best Traditional US beer Category:
This is the first year for another ‘special’ category. It follows the theme of beers from the United States and beers will be judged in a last-man-standing, BoS format. The top three entries will get a special prize. Styles included in this special category are:
* Category 1a - Light American Lager
* Category 1b - Standard American Lager
* Category 1c - Premium American Lager
* Category 6a - Cream Ale
* Category 6b - Blonde Ale
* Category 6d - American Wheat or Rye Beer
* Category 7b - California Common
* Category 10 - American Ale
* Category 13e - American Stout
* Category 14b - American IPA
* Category 14c - Imperial IPA
* Category 19c - American Barleywine
* Category 20 - Fruit Beer
* Category 21 - Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer
* Category 22b - Other Smoked Beer
* Category 22c - Wood-Aged Beer
* Category 23 - Specialty Beer
Where applicable, the base beer must be a US base beer.
There is nothing one needs to do to enter this category. The best beer of these styles will be chosen as ‘last man standing’ on the BOS table.
The EIS-ANYTHING Category:
Enter the Eis-Anything style by brewing ANY BJCP Style of beer, and then “Eis”-ing it. Riffing on the theme of Eisbocks, any BJCP style can be iced and entered in this category. Beers will be judged on the base style as well as how the ‘eising’ affected the base beer. Since Eisbock is a registered BJCP category it is excluded from this special category.
Mead, Cider, Eis Anything:
· Brewers may enter multiple entries in the mead, cider, and Eis Anything categories.
· Each entry must be unique.
· Only one (1) 10-14 oz. bottle is required for each entry in the Eis Anything category.
More information can be found at www.mashout.org. Specific questions can be directed to info@mashout.org.