2010 Upper Mississippi Mashout

9th Annual Upper Mississippi Mash-Out
Over the last nine years the Upper Mississippi Mash-out has grown to be one of the top homebrew contests in the country.  In 2009 we had 869 entires by 259 brewers from 33 states.  Thanks to our generous sponsors over the years Mash-out has been able to provide a fabulous prize to every winner in each category along with a hand-made wooden chalice for the best-in-show winners for beer, mead, and cider.  This is an AHA/BJCP-sanctioned contest and is organized jointly by the St. Paul Home Brewers Club and the Minnesota Home Brewer’s Association.
The Mash-Out is the opening event in the High Plains Brewer of the Year Award 2010, the Midwest Brewer of the Year Award 2010 and the MCAB 2011.

More information is available at http://www.mashout.org/

Dates to remember:
Entries accepted - December 28th 2009-January 18th 2010
Judging at Grumpy’s in Roseville - January 29th-30th 2010

Banquet and Awards Ceremony at Summit Brewery - Saturday, January 30th 2010

Every year we welcome judges and volunteers from all over the country.  We pamper them with specialty beers on tap, commemorative pint glasses, lunch and dinner during judging, and a commemorative beer brewed from the 2009 BOS recipe.  We will also feature speakers who will give presentations on brewing Scottish and English beers.  All skill levels are encouraged to volunteer.  This is an excellent opportunity to experience how an AHA/BJCP sanctioned competition works.  Sign up to volunteer at http://www.mashout.org/.

Special Awards and Categories

  • Separate BOS for Mead and Cider

  • Yellow Snow Award - most entries

  • Blizzard Award - Most points by Club

  • Eis Anything Category

Hotel Information

The hotel is located across the street from this years venue.
