1st round NHC results...when?

When are the first round NHC results going to be released?

2 regions are being judged on the 24-25th (mine included).  I expect the results out in early May.  Look for a post from Janis Gross, that the results are on the AHA website.

On other forums some have posted that they have got their score sheets back.  That only gives you your results.

I believe the day is May 2nd for all first round winners to be posted.

looks like the South region had to extend to the 25th as well, still 3 regions out there that haven’t judged/finished judging

We were giving it hell down in Atlanta over the weekend, but there was a lot more beer than there were judges :'(  I judged 5 flights from Friday night to noonish Sunday.

thanks for keeping at it and spending your personal time from two weekends to see it through

I have a question having to do with results postings…  Being in the Great Lakes region, our judging took place this past week-end.  Some people are reporting that they have their results back… Which I am all for, since I am impatient myself!

However, those that get their score sheets back early… do they already know I they placed or not?

Regardless, I am very impressed that the judging took place over the week-end and the results are processing already!  That’s a significant accomplishment resulting from a ton of work!  Great Job

There should be a coversheet on the bundle of scoresheets for each beer that shoudl include the position in the flight and the position if it placed. I say should because unfortunately it is somewhat common to get blank coversheets - although msot comps seem to be getting better at it. I’m still waiting for mine…

I’m still patiently waiting for my scores. The first round winners should be posted on May 7th.

Where did you read that? I never saw an official posting date. Although it’s usually a couple weeks after all regions have completed judging.


in the last sentence.

Ah ha. Cool. Thanks. I always just kinda skim press releases.  :smiley:

No worries mate.  8)