The Indian Peaks Alers homebrew club is proud to announce the 2012 Peak-to-Peak ProAm Homebrew Competition. The competition will be open to all BJCP beer styles as defined in the 2008 guidelines, however as we’re limiting the competition scope to beers, no meads or ciders will be accepted.
Entries will be accepted between March 12th and 23rd and the Judging will be conducted at Left Hand Brewing in Longmont, CO on March 31st. We will have medals for the top three beers in each flight as well as prizes. The awards ceremony will follow the competition and that’s where the competition and Pro-Am winners will be announced.
We are excited to announce that several of Colorado’s Front Range brewers will be on hand to judge and will be selecting entries for the 2012 GABF Pro-Am competition. We currently have commits from Left Hand, the Pumphouse, Oskar Blues, and Crabtree Brewing, with others expected.
Check out our website for the complete list of participating brewers and the competition rules, entry forms, etc.
We hope that you’ll be interested in participating as an entrant in this year’s competition.
We are also looking for volunteers to make this year’s competition a success.
If you are interested in stewarding, please contact
If you are interested in judging please contact
Mark Spaulding
Competition coordinator
Indian Peaks Alers