2015 Peak-to-Peak ProAm

2015 Peak-to-Peak ProAm Homebrew Competition
Organized by the Indian Peaks Alers Homebrew Club

Registration will open on Monday Feb 16

Visit http://www.indianpeaksalers.org/ and follow the link to the competition website to register and pay by paypal.  In addition to home brewers, we are also looking for volunteers to make this year’s competition a success.  If you are interested in stewarding or judging, register on the competition site as well.

Entry Submission:
Online: Window closes Friday, February 27, 2014 at 5:00 PM MDT
Entry is complete upon payment thru Paypal. 
Drop-off/Shipping: Monday, February 16 through Friday, February 27, 2014
Ship-to location:  Left Hand Brewing
Drop-off Locations:  Left Hand Brewing, Hops and Berries (Old Town), Boulder Fermentation Supply, Quirky Homebrew supply, the Brew Hut.

Friday March 13, 2015  @5:30pm – Oddfellows Lodge in Longmont, CO
Saturday March 14, 2015 @ 9am - Oddfellows Lodge in Longmont, CO

Award Ceremony
The award ceremony will be held after the judging, starting around 5:30
Pumphouse Brewery
540 Main Street, Longmont, CO 80501

Awards, prizes, and scoresheets will be distributed to winners or representatives in attendance.  Remaining score sheets will be distributed by local pick-up or by mail as necessary

We look forward to seeing your beers in this year’s competition!

Don Blake
Competition Coordinator
Indian Peaks Alers