2014 Columbus hops

I’ve used some 2014 Columbus hops today and they smell very much like onions and garlic.  I’ve never gotten this aroma before from Columbus and I’ve used them a lot. I got them from Yakima Valley Hops and I was wondering if anybody else has had a similar experience. I thought that it could just be a particular crop this year or maybe worse they mixed up the packaging and I got Summit or something.

Dan, I’ve used their 2014 Columbus pellets and not gotten any of that.  And I avoid Summit because of the onion /garlic thing.  I use a fair amount of Columbus but obviously I can only speak for what I’ve used. Did you blend it with any other hops, out of curiosity?

EDIT -  Mine are from YVH, too.

I have a bag, from YVH even, that I’ll be braking down tomorrow. I’ll report back.

I did blend it with other hops at flameout, but the smell was right out of the bag and when I added it to the boil for my 60 min. addition. I only added the Columbus at the 60 min. addition and I could smell this same onion/garlic aroma in the wort. Like I said, I’ve used Columbus for over 8 years and I’ve never had this aroma before. I’m starting to think that the packaging was mixed up and I got Summit which I really don’t like at all.

Well I hope you didn’t get the wrong one by accident. I agree, I’ve used a lot of Columbus and never had that issue with it. I’ve always had good luck with YVH.

I sent them an e-mail and it probably was just a labeling mistake or something. I think I’m going to either give these away or pitch them like I did with the Summit hops I got a couple of years ago. I like onions and garlic in my food, but not in my beer.

I’m with you. Too many good varieties out there to use Summit!

A few people have mentioned that the “onion/garlic” thing may not have as much to do with the type of hop as much as when it was harvested (later on the bine I believe).

I bought a pound of 2014 Columbus (CTZ) from YVH in December.  Smells and tastes fine.